Adventours Seeker? Comfy Person?
Wadi Rum Welcomes Everybody…

Exploring The Protected Area

You can explore Wadi Rum in several ways: by jeep, by camel, by horse or on foot. If you want more challenging pursuits like climbing and trekking, see Adventure Seekers.

Jeep tours are the quickest way to see the well-known scenic and archaeological sites. There are 19 of these sites of interest and it is possible to visit any combination in a single tour. Tours start from the visitor centre, where you can choose one of 9 tour packages, lasting from 2 hours to full day. Longer trips can be arranged. Most vehicles are pick-up trucks operated by local Bedouin cooperatives. They are characterful and fun but only have modest levels of comfort. Private 4 x 4 vehicles and tour company fleet-vehicles can enter Rum, provided they follow all regulations. 

Camel rides are a popular activity and short trips can be arranged on demand from the visitor centre. There are also 9 tour packages visiting the main sites of interest, which last between 1hr to full day. Overnight trips and long treks are possible on request. A small number of operators offer pre-booked horseback tours. Details available from the contact lists.

Hiking is possible throughout the protected area but maps and details are still difficult to find. Bedouin guides can be arranged if pre-booked and there are two “easy” trails leading from the visitor centre, one short and one long, promoted by the Protected Area Management. See also the library for references on trails and climbing routes.

Adventure Seekers

Wadi Rum is attracting more and more adventure seekers. It offers some of the finest rock climbing in the world and is a spectacular place for desert trekking and safaris (camels, horses and vehicles). Most adventure tourists stay in and around the protected area from 2 to 12 nights, in small organized groups. Guide services, campsites and logistical support are all available locally, through independent operators.

Like all visitors to the protected area, adventurers need to be aware of zoning schemes and other regulations. Climbing, for example, is not allowed in every area of Wadi Rum. Emergency services are also very limited. Guidelines on best practice and emergency procedures for climbers and other adventure seekers were produced in 2003 and can be accessed through the Library link

Sites Of Interest

Lawrence’s spring: where Lawrence of Arabia reputedly washed during the Arab Revolt. Has an attractive rock inscriptions on nearby rocks. 

Khazali canyon: deep, narrow fissure in the mountain side, containing many rock inscriptions. 

Sunset sites: winter and summer sites, where you get the most dramatic views of Wadi Rum as the sun sinks below the horizon. 

Sand dunes: large area of sand dunes piled up against the mountains. Fun to climb to the top. Have desert-adapted plants 

Rock bridge: spectacular natural rock arch, with great views. 

Burrah canyon: long, deep canyon between dramatic mountains. Lots of sand in places. Very beautiful in early morning or late evening, when the sun turns the rock deep orange. 

Alameleh Inscriptions: good example of ancient rock drawings, showing camels and wildlife.

 Pillars of Wisdom: famous landmark, named after the book by T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). 

Siq Um Tawaqi: short canyon containing a carving of the head of T. E. Lawrence. 

Sunset sites (Al Ghuroub ): winter and summer sites, Visitors can enjoy a spectacular sunsets and they can leave the stresses of work behind them and live out of time and place. 

Anfashieh inscriptions: this mountain is famous for its formations and inscription. Anfashieh has numerous Thamudic and Nabataen inscriptions, next to it drawings of animals, humans, and camel caravans. 

Nabatean Temple – Aretas (IV): Used by Nabatean to worship ALLAT (Goddes). This temple was built on the ruins of Allat temple of the AAD TRIBE.

Fees and Charges

A standard fee is charged to all visitors entering the visitor centre and protected area. This fee is used to help local Bedouin communities and pay for the protection of Wadi Rum.

At present the fees are as follows:

5 Jordanian Dinars for international visitors
1 Jordanian Dinar per person for Jordanians and residents.
0.5 Jordanian Dinar  for Jordanian students
Children under 12 years are free.