Show Your Love to Wadi Rum Respecting Its Rules!

Code of Behavior and Rules

There are special by-laws and codes of behavior to support the conservation efforts in Wadi Rum. The most important of these for visitors are summarized below:

 Drive your vehicle only on the designated tracks (or encourage your driver to do so).
 Protect all nature: no hunting or collecting of plants, animals, rocks, artifacts or firewood.
 Camp and climb only in the official sites. Use gas stoves or charcoal for fires.
 Minimize use of fixed climbing gear and chalk and avoid damaging trees and shrubs.
 Take your litter away: keep the area clean. Burn toilet paper or use water. Bury human waste.
 Minimize noise level; refrain from playing loud music.
 Respect the lifestyle of local people; wear appropriate dress and ask before taking pictures.